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» » [DEVOTIONAL] TREM Devotional – "Your Life Is Hid In Christ"

Dr. Mike Okonkwo TREMTopic: Your Life Is Hid In Christ [TREM Devotional 2 January 2019]
“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3 KJV
If you are still having a problem with our devotional yesterday, today, I have come to declare the Word of God to you: You are already dead. ‘But Bro. Mike, I am alive and reading this devotional, so how can you say I am dead?’ That is exactly my point.
Look at the scripture for today; it did not say: you will die. NO! It says ‘you are dead.’ So what is God trying to communicate with us? Read the entire verse; it says: “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God”. In other words, the day you accepted Jesus into your life, you died to self and you died to sin and you are now one with Christ – that anointed One (and His anointing) who paid the full price for your sins.
The fact that Jesus has paid the price means that you have nothing to pay for. If God still demands payment from you, then it is the ‘law of double jeopardy.’ But God is not unrighteous. When the price was paid, it was paid in FULL. Jesus said on the cross: ‘It is finished.’ In other words, there is nothing left to do, there is no price left to pay. He bought you with His blood, the greatest price anyone can pay and that is why you are free and your life is now hidden in Christ, in God.
For anything to touch you, therefore, it has to first touch God, then Jesus Christ, before it gets to you. Which demon can go through that process? Absolutely none. Your victory was bought by Jesus and given to you free of charge. It is so precious, you cannot ignore it or refuse it. All He wants you to do is to enjoy it. You are safe and secure in Him.
Further Reading: Col. 3:1-4; John 19:28-30
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen 4-7, Evening Mathew 2
Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.
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