Belongs to you
All of my praise
Is yours alone
Nara Ekele Mo
Nara Ekele Mo
Nara Ekele Mo
Jesus you are good
My soul, my mind
Your praise is what I bring
I give you all of me
I give you my heart
My soul, my mind
Your praise is what I bring
I give my all
Nara Ekele Mo
Nara Ekele Mo
Nara Ekele Mo
Jesus you are good
Onye olu ebube (wonder working God)
The heavens declare your glory
Lord I will sing and praise your name
Isi yi nke ndu(Strength of my life)
Onye ne nme nma (the doer of good things)
Lord if not for you
I would have been lost and gone
Nara Ekele Mo
Nara Ekele Mo
Nara Ekele Mo
Jesus you are good
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