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» » [Song Lyrics] Zabron Singers - Sikuachi Tena (I Won’t Leave You Again)
John Manga Ovye

(Sung in Swahili)
Tunaishi kwa nguvu ya Mungu, Ye ndo katuweka hapa
(We live by God’s Power, He placed us here)
Kila hatua tunapitia, ye ndiye mlinzi wetu
(He guards all the steps we take)
Asubuhi ifikapo, hujua siku itaenda vipi
(When morning comes, he knows how the day will go)
Je n’tavuka salama, mchana jioni hata usiku
(Will I cross safely the, morning, evening and night?)
Kwa dakika,sekunde hujua siku itaenda vipi
(By minutes and seconds, he knows how the day will go)
Kupata na kokosa, ajua mimi n’tapata nini
(Receiving and Losing, He knows what I will get)
Kulala, kuamka, ajua mi n’taamka vipi
(Sleeping, and rising, he knows how I will wake)
Maisha yetu yote, Mungu ndiye anazo siri zetu
(The Lord knows the secret of all our lives)
We ni Mungu wangu, sikuachi tena
(You are my God, I will not leave You again)
Nikuwepo leo ni rehema zako zaniwezesha
(Me being here today, is through Your Mercies)
Sina haki mimi, kujisifu tena
(I do not have the right to boast of myself)
Kwani bila wewe hakika mimi singekuwa hivi
(For Without You, truly I would not be this way) (Repeat)
Mwanga wangu wa njia na nyota katika maisha yangu
(The Light to my path and the Star in my life)
Ye ni Mungu wa nuru, ushindi hata vitu vyote vyake
(He is the God of light, victory and all things are His)
Upatacho shukuru, ni Mungu ndiye kakuweka hapo
(Be thankful for what you get, it is God who placed you there)
Usisahau kumtumikia bado ungali hai
(Do not forget to serve Him, while you are still alive)
Kumbuka kuna siku utadaiwa kwa matendo yako
(Remember there is a day you will give account for your actions)
Iwe jema, kwa baya, watu pia umewatenda vipi?
(For good or for ill, How have you treated others?)
Je wazitumiaje baraka ulizopewa na Mungu?
(How are you using the blessings you were given by God?)
Suluhisho pekee, ni Mungu tumpe maisha yetu
(The only solution, is to give God our lives)
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